Dude, I suck, I know. Worst. Blogger. Ever. I have been nonexistent here and some may wonder why I bother to come back at all. It's because I do one day plan to blog more consistently. It's just that right now, I'm in this whole new world of being home, being enormously pregnant, freelancing in my extra spare time and my other extra spare time, I'm just trying to spend as much time with my little girl as possible. Because soon, like really really soon (I'm 34 weeks pregnant today), she's not going to have me to herself anymore. And that thought is one I can not dwell on out of fear of bawling my hormonal eyes out.
So, I'd say don't give up on me, but don't count on me either. At least not for now. And who knows what might happen when we add a newborn to this scenario. But for right now, chances are, I'm probably busy swimming in the pool, making grilled cheese sandwiches, putting a sleepy toddler or tired mama down for a nap or inhaling strawberries from the farm stand down the street. Or cookies. You get the idea.
I seriously am considering calling the editors of the Reading Eagle and thanking them for laying me off. But not so much, since eventually, I will need a new job and this fantasy will all come to an end. Freelancing just doesn't make enough for me to do it full-time and well, money still doesn't grow on trees (but why hasn't someone figured this out yet??).
Hope everyone's having a great summer.
I'll try to at least check in once in a while...promise.
But in the meantime, cut me some slack, because it isn't easy being this gigantic: