Monday, December 15, 2008

My new home

It's not fancy (I'm working on finding a fun new template and plan to jazz it up in the near future, but for now, we're going plain jane), but here it is, my blog's new home.
I am flattered by the outpouring of support I received in the last entry of my Reading Eagle blog.
I can say with complete honesty that I had no idea so many of you were actually reading out there. I can also say that it really helped me get my butt in gear to start my new blog, even though this entry will be short (because it is like, practically Christmas and I still have 8 jillion things to do and because I am currently at work and should be, well, working and because I have just too much to say and if you know me, you know that if I start, I won't be able to stop and will all have to wait.)
I just wanted to say, "I'm back!" and let you know I'll be posting here from now.
So stay tuned, because I've got so much to share with you!! News, news, news....but that will come, all in good time.
I'm just proud of myself for actually getting this up and running before the new year.
I am, hands-down, the queen of procrastination, so this is huge for me.


Jack's Mom said...


Unknown said...

Love the new look! I can't get over how much Olivia looks like you, love those ears!

aubrey rose said...

I second Jack's Mom's comments...Yeah!!! I love reading your blog. As a fellow procrastonator, I am proud of you for doing this before the new year, too. I hope you and that adorable family of yours have a wonderful Christmas and New Year!

Trina said...

Glad to see that you are up and running (in more ways than one HA HA HA) Hope you have a great and wonderful Christmas and a healthy and Happy New Year!