Thursday, March 19, 2009

Pink is soo last season.

Olivia: A brother? What do you mean I'm going to have a brother??

That's right folks, it's a boy. A BOY! Imagine that. I was convinced we were having another girl, I'd even dreamed about it. I don't know why, I just figured I was a girl-making machine. I was shocked to see a penis on that ultrasound screen, but it was there, plain as day. We're thrilled.

Oh, and please pass along any name ideas, as we have no clue what we will be calling this little rock star (and while cheese curl, aka "Curly" would certainly be appropriate, seeing as he is made up mostly of them so far, I can't imagine he'd be thrilled with the idea of having the same name as one of the Stooges, but thanks for the idea, Angela :)


Anonymous said...

Congrats!!!! Boys are GREAT!!! My lil man turns two on Sat. His name is Julian but here allot of those kind of names.... Julian, Jayden,Jordan, Jamison. we always liked Tyler but someone in the family used that a few months before my son was born. We went through name books. My b/f would play 360 and I would sit and read names. Loved Antonio but Julian just fits. Dee

Nancy said...

That is so exciting!!! Congrats!!! There are some really cute boy names out there, I'm sure you will find the perfect one! I like Connor or Derick myself but that's just me! Take care!

Angela said...

I didnt know about you! But a boy! That is great! My name suggests are Moe Lowe
Larry Lowe.

They both have kind of a ring to them, no? Anyway, I will pass along our name list if you are interested...

B's Mom said...

Congrats on your baby boy! Being the mom of a little boy is exciting, and unpredictable, but so much fun. My "girl" name was Olivia, however we ended up with a Benjamin.

Heather said...

O my goodness! DAMN google reader. It didn't update and I haven't seen this post for 24 hours!!! I can't believe it.

Anyway, congratulations!!! I thought you were having a girl too. Geez, I should have lots of boy names since I never got to use them, but I can't think of anything now. I will though.

Congratulations! I am so excited you saw a penis! hee hee. Oh, and also that he is healthy.

Heather said...

ok, i remembered a few names we liked:

will (william)

if you like them, they are all yours! we are done!

Angela said...

Let me preface this by saying that the list i found is clearly mostly my list, as ben vetoed some of my favorites early on. And apparently I am obsessed with the letter A.

August (i love it, classic, and a baby named gus??? love it)

Atticus (ben)
Owen (ben)

in our families we have Jacob, Nathaniel, Hunter, Ethan, Kyle, and Jonas.

It must be hard with a teacher as a parent. He must know so many snotfaces that ruin perfectly great names.

also, my last suggestion. you can put in a name you like and voila! it comes up with a set with the same tone and feel.

Oh and I do truly love the name Ben. And i don't think its just by association.

Boys are fun!

Amelia said...

Thanks for the suggestions guys!! I love them all, and I too love Ben, Angela, however this is not only your husband's name, it is also my brother's name, so it was a no-go.

But, NEWS: We have a name! Unfortunately, I can't share yet as we still haven't told everyone, grandparents included. But soon I will share. Soon.