Thursday, April 23, 2009

On strange toddler behaviors and sales

This morning, as I was getting ready for work, I noticed Olivia was carrying around her Easter basket throughout the house. Inside were not the plastic eggs from Easter that are now cluttering our house, no. She prefers to carry around a pair of my underwear from the basket filled with (clean yet still unfolded) laundry that is sitting on my living room floor. Sometimes she like to put the underwear on her head.
I also caught her licking the kitchen floor the other day (????). But that's nothing unusual, since she also enjoys eating rocks and dirt when we are playing outside.
I'm hoping this is typical toddler behavior...or maybe she's just being silly like her dad. Yeah, we'll go with that.

In other news, I attended the Just Between Friends consignment sale that started yesterday and is going on through this weekend at the Reading Expo Center last night (you can download a free pass from the Web site). You can get some seriously sweet deals there, and I did, but you have to be ready to wade through the sea of crazy-ass mommies and grabby grandmas to do it. I like to consider myself a friendly person (I even brought the volunteers some extra plastic bags I was storing in my car to take to the grocery store to recycle so they could use them to bag items, hello, I gave them my trash, how nice is that??), but some of these ladies were just downright insane, especially the one woman who quite literally pushed in front of me and grabbed a shirt right out of my hands as I was taking it off the shelf then proceeded to look at me, flash me a fake smile and say "Oh, I'm sorry, I was just looking at this."

Don't mess with these women and discount children's clothing.

But it was worth it, because I got a lot of really nice (gently used) stuff for Olivia and the baby and I also got some nice maternity clothes for work, all for under $50.

For those who are in this area, it's going on all weekend so I recommend it, although you might want to consider body armor.


Shannon said...

That sale was great, I went the first day when the doors opened and it wasn't that bad. Did you se they are having a fall sale starting Sept. 24th. Good Stuff.