Friday, April 10, 2009

I called in sick yesterday...

...because when you are 23 weeks pregnant and too tired to even eat dinner, collapsing on the sofa after putting the baby to bed and not even bothering to so much as open the refrigerator door (let alone watch "Lost"), you know it is a sign that you need to take a break and rest, especially for me, who pretty much lives to eat these days.

And how sweet it was.

Russ took Olivia to Toys R Us, where she ooohh'd and aaahh'd and pointed at everything in sight, prompting him to buy her several of those things (bubble mower? sure! princess bouncy ball? why not? baby doll that crawls and says mamamama and is MOTION DETECTED therefore driving all of us nuts? ABsoLUTEly. Gotta love daddies, they are total suckers for their daughters.) Anyway, I didn't mind his spoiling her one bit because it meant I got to relax and eat strawberries with whipped cream for breakfast while watching all kinds of delicious daytime TV.

Then, after they got home, Olivia ate lunch and we both fell asleep for more than TWO HOURS.
It was beyond heaven. I truly needed that.

And, the #1 thing that made my sick day most worthwhile?

The UPS man delivered this beauty (THANK YOU SO MUCH Girl's Gone Child!!):

This is totally going to be me (except I will probably not be wearing make-up and my hair might not be brushed, but still:

Now that is what I call SEXY.


Me said...

Good for you, girl! You deserve that break. And it sounds like Olivia made out all right too! :)