Dear Olivia,

Let's just start by saying that between your mommy and your daddy, you are doomed when it comes to time management. And with both of us working full time, your daddy actually working two jobs right now being a basketball coach (on a side note, his team won the division title this year, so you must be a good luck charm!), not to mention having a little wild child running around like a maniac (that's you), let's just say your first birthday letter is just now getting itself written. I still have to update your baby book and the journal I have been keeping for you since I became pregnant with you, but every free moment I have, I can't help but spend kissing and hugging and tickling you non-stop. Trust me, if you saw yourself, and how unbearably kissable/huggable/tickleable you are, you would totally understand.
ANYWAY, enough with the excuses and on to the praise and adoration.
You, my dear, have made the last year of our lives by far, hands down, the best year ever.
You are bright, silly, loveable and affectionate and you are also a professional walker these days, even though you fall down more often than anyone I have ever seen, even me, who is as clutzick (that's poorly spelled PA Dutch, I'll teach you about that one day, don't worry) as they come.
We had a huge party at our tiny house for your birthday. People came from far and wide to attend and packed themselves like sardines into our hot house just to watch you, yes YOU, dig into a cake almost as big as you are with your bare hands. You were a little confused about this, wondering (a) why everyone was staring at you and (b) why on God's green earth I was allowing you to eat such a large amount of sugar in one sitting. You finally lost it when daddy had the nerve to dab a bit of frosting on your nose (so cute!) but let's just say you were not happy about it and you burst into tears. When we calmed you down and cleaned you up, you were back to your old happy self and went on to playing with your other baby friends and the 4,000 baby dolls you received as gifts (a popular gift when you are in training to be a big sister).
As they say, a picture is worth a thousand words, so I will finish this birthday letter with a few photos from the big day. But before I go, I just want to say, Happy First Birthday, Livvy-Loo, and even though I know you will one day yell at me for calling you that, that's just too bad because it goes with the song I made up for you which I promise to sing to you up to, including and even after your wedding day. And let's just hope that day doesn't come as quickly as this first birthday did.
I love you, baby girl. I love you through and through. Yesterday, today and tomorrow, too. Thank you for being you.

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