The big O-N-E is just around the corner, people, the invitations have been mailed out and all that's left to do is, oh, just about everything including: Clean the house, buy decorations/food, decorate/make food, get baby a party dress, get mommy a party dress that doesn't make her look fat (read: not likely) and did I say clean the house?
Oh, and there's one more important thing that I still need to do: Buy my child a birthday gift.
But what does a parent get for a child on such an important milestone? A special book? Perhaps an expensive toy that makes lots of annoying noises?
I was just not sure. So, I decided to ask the guest of honor what she'd like. She's not feeling too well these days, sporting a 103+ fever (102 with medicine), but that will not stop my little furnace baby from playing and it certainly wouldn't stop her from giving me her birthday wish list. Yes, she gave me her list in non-comprehensible baby babble, but I am her mother, people, I can translate such jibberish.
Olivia's Wish List:
1.) Tupperware containers.
2.) Fuzzies, old cheerios and/or dried-up peas from the corner of the kitchen floor that she can eat as a snack.
3.) Anything breakable, such as drinking glasses (full of liquid would be even better, because I like to grab those and pour them all over myself when no one's looking).
4.) Remote controls.
5.) Coasters.
6.) Any/all food that you are currently eating.
7.) Mommy's bras.
8.) A cell phone (they apparently learn to want these early on).
9.) An electrical outlet (without childproof covers).
10.) Anything sharp, jagged or otherwise dangerous for a baby.
Of course, upon receiving her list, I made no promises, and told her that we already have all of these things, most of which she isn't allowed to play with, so why would she want more of these things?
She responded in the way she does when I take something away from her she isn't supposed to have, with a high-pitched screech that sounds like a pterodactyl in heat, to which I responded: "Keep it up young lady and you'll get nothing for your birthday!"
Ahh, yes. Let the toddler years begin.

hee hee hee! I can NOT wait to get Charlotte and Olivia together. It will be serious trouble. So bummed to miss out on the festivities.
PS- I have some Hungry Hunfry Hipoo marbles here that Olivia might want to add to her birthday list.
This was soo funny and so like my daughter who will turn one next month!! She will cry if she doesn't get to "talk" to the person on the other end of the phone or push buttons. Usually, we will be in the living room and she will then simultaneously change channels. What an adventure!
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